A new angle
of attack on my least favorite president popped in to my head the other day and
it’s interesting enough to merit writing about.
There’s truth to it, but is it true?
Judge for yourself.
Obama has
been conceited, petulant, and hostile to advice from EVERYBODY even those that
would be his friends. In fact he’s so
predictable about taking his ball and going home that nobody plans on him being
around anymore. He won’t even debate or
defend his positions; all he does is act insulted. He’s the one person who can never be wrong,
at least in his own mind. He refuses to
take care of anyone he is responsible for, especially those he does not like
such as our military and vets, and regards obedience from all people as merely
his due. Nobody has to like him – they’ve only got to OBEY his every whim, and
his cheerleaders had damn well better drown out any and all opposition. That’s what they’re paid for after all.
I’m neither
the first nor the last to make these assertions – They are everywhere. But it occurred to me the other night looking
at the latest complaints about Congress that all these things are all true
about the Congress as well. Obama you
see is setting the example, and Reps and Senators on both sides are following
it. Seriously, go back through the last
paragraph and see if you think it all applies.
I was stunned, and I thought of it.
(There’s probably 0% chance that nobody else thought of it first, but I
got here on my own.)
Whether he
means to or not Obama sets an example by his conduct. There is no way to avoid that and it is consistently,
consciously or not, mirrored by the rest of the government, on both sides of
the isle. Even doing nothing sets an
example – and we see it followed in the Congress daily by members of both
Hiding from
work sets the Example of hiding from work, inappropriately long vacations set
the example of inappropriately long vacations, etcetera. And of course not getting anything done…
It’s food
for thought anyway.